The best way to get information on treating your cat for FIP, is through one of several Facebooks Groups. Due to various sensitivities and “terms of use” issues, almost all of the real discussion takes place through private chat on Messenger. Depending on your location, select one the following recommended Facebook groups within my network:
Northern California and especially the San Francisco Bay Area: NorCal FIP Slayers. This group is for folks in the SF Bay Area (NorCal) or within driving distance of Pleasanton, CA. If you ask to join this group PLEASE answer the required questions including your actual location (city in SF Bay Area) and phone number. A phone conversation is required before being admitted to the group.
Southern California and other Western States including Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, etc. : Fip Fighters California and Western States Chapter
Eastern and Midwest USA: FIP Underground: Southeastern Chapter
Email: If you are not on Facebook or would rather contact me by email, use the email icon at the bottom of any page on this site. The email address is
Other Facebook Groups and websites
There are various other Facebook Groups that you may or may not find useful. I mention them here out of courtesy and because saving your cat is the only thing that matters. If one of these groups can help you save your cat, then I am glad I was able to help you find them.
Hong Kong Group: Run by our good friends in Hong Kong.
FIP Warriors: Warriors was the original group that helped people save their cats. They are still around .
FIP Global Cats: Apparently formed in 2023 by a group of admins that left FIP Warriors. Good alternative if you are getting a slow response from FIP Warriors.
FIP Cats Treatment with Spark/Aura : This is a Facebook group for people using or interested in the various Spark injection and oral (pill) products
Canada Group: This the only group I know about in Canada. It has gone through a number of name changes. At this point, I don’t know if it is a Warriors groups or a Fighter (Mutian) group.
Russian Group: Probably your best bet if you are in Russia
German Group: If you are in or near Germany, this is where you can get help for your cat: German Warriors FB group and website
FIP Warriors CZ/SK: The FIP warriors group in Europe